Latest news on Mon 13th April from Lancaster and Lakes Jewish Community – 

At our AGM in February 2015 we have appointed a new committee: 

Chair Naomi Tadmor
Secretary Fiona Frank
Treasurer Adrienne Wallman
Havura Organiser Robbie Smith
Committee Naomi Jacobs, Ben Niemark. 

A vote of thanks was given to our departing treasurer Rachel Fligelstone and our chair Stanley Henig.  Stanley was thanked for the work that he has done over the last ten years for Lancaster’s Jewish communities. It was unanimously agreed that he should be given the post of Honorary Life President, and he was presented with a certificate of long service stating that trees have been planted in Israel in his name. 

Havura News from Robbie : 

 Dear All,
I hope you this finds you well and you had a good Pesach/Easter/holidays, however you celebrate.
There are lots of exciting things happening for Lancaster & Lakes Jewish Society and our Havura group in the coming weeks and months.  Here is news of what is planned.
Firstly, a reminder that there will be a Shabbat Morning ServiceSaturday, 18th April.Jewiish Rooms, Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre, Service starting at 11.00 a.m., `Bring and Share’ dairy/vegetarian kiddush to follow.  Prayer books for the service providedEveryone  welcome.  For further details or to have any questions answered, please contact Rabbi Robert Ash (robertash1954 “at” or Naomi Tadmor (n.tadmor “at”
We are planning a exciting programme for our Havura  group  over the next few months, which will include guest speakers, also some different types of events – film screenings, book discussions and family-centred activities.The first of these will be aHavurah Film Screening“The Flat”Sunday 26th April5.00 p.m – 8.00 p.m.`Bring and Share dairy/vegetarian’ supperEveryone Welcome “The Flat” is an interesting story of a man who is clearing our his aunt’s flat in Tel Aviv after her death, and finds clues and evidence about her life and history that he had never known.This Havura meeting will begin at 5 pm with sharing our supper and a social time, followed by the film, which will begin showing at 6 pm.Please let either me or Naomi Tadmor know by SUNDAY 19TH APRIL, if you will be coming to this event.  This is IMPORTANT, as it is planned to be in Naomi Tadmor’s house in central Lancaster; but if there will be too many people to comfortably seat and watch the film, we shall need to book a larger venue to show the film.

Further Events and Dates for Your DiaryShabbat Morning Services – Saturday 9th May, and in June and July,( exact daates tbc)Bllintze Making (and eating!) Family Event for Shavuot – Sunday 24th MayHavura Meeting with Guest Speaker, Mostyn Jones – Sunday 28th JuneHavura Meeting with Guest Speaker or Book Discussion – Sunday 19th July
There are also plans for more guest speakers, films and book discussions in the Autumn; and we shall arrange services in the Jewish Rooms at Lancaster University for the High Holy Days if people want them.
At present, we are introducing book discussions and film screenings as occasional alternatives to our more traditional Havura meetings with guest speakers.  If you would like to form a reading group and/or film club, apart from the Havura group, let me know and I’ll circulate your name and email address to the contact list so other people interested in joining can get in touch with you.
That’s all for now, folks.
All good wishes,Robbie