In light of recent events both locally and nationally, we have written to our local Muslim community as follows:

Dear members of the Lancaster Muslim community,

As the leaders of the Lancaster and Lakes Jewish Community we wish to express our support and solidarity, given the extremely worrying events of the past week.

It is beyond appalling that racists and Islamophobes have sought to exploit the terrible murders in Southport to spread hatred against the Muslim community, as well as against those seeking asylum and others.

From our own history, the Jewish community knows only too well the impact that gatherings of racist mobs, attacks on places of worship and community-owned business can have. Therefore, especially at this time, we want to reach out and reiterate our friendship and solidarity with the local Muslim community.

As the local Jewish community, we may be small in number but would wish to do all we can to support your community at this difficult time. Please always feel free to seek our support whenever you feel we can be of assistance.

We stand with you and all those who are the targets of racism.

Yours in solidarity,

Noah Katz, Chair
Rob Smith, Vice Chair
Adrienne Wallman, Treasurer
Ben Soffa, Committee member
Jane Lawrence, Committee member
And the Committee of the Lancaster and Lakes Jewish Community