In this edition:
reportback on our Klezmer dance, Havura on 15th November at Pine Lake Resort, Carnforth, and Chanukah Party on Wednesday 16th December [**SORRY – NOT 15TH DECEMBER AS IN THE EMAIL!**] at the Gregson, Malcolm Weisman visiting Lancaster at lunchtime on Thursday 12th November. A possible Student Friday night meal – to be confirmed very soon – and the Northern Reform Weekend Comes To Our Area – and we can drop in! Read on.
best wishes,
Fiona Frank,
Secretary, Lancaster and Lakes Jewish Community.
tel 07778 737681 email

First, we are very sorry to hear of the death of John Stoessl. A holocaust survivor, he escaped from Austria shortly before the outbreak of war. He has spoken locally about his experiences of coming here on the Kindertransport. Our commiserations to his sister Sue.


We had a great Klezmer night last week but we had less people there than last year. We need your help! Next year, what would persuade you to bring a party of ten people including lots of kids to the Klezmer dance night? It’s free for kids and a really good and fun night out for every generation! (which is more than you can say for lots of nights out these days). Please email your ideas to

Ros Hawley, clarinet player for the evening, also ran a Klezmer music workshop during the afternoon which was attended by a dozen local musicians on a variety of instruments – fiddle, accordion, clarinet, concertina, whistle, and cello. Ros teaches each year at the celebrated London ‘KlezFest’ – which three or four Lancaster musicians have attended recently.

We had a collection during the evening for the Mike Kahan Klezmer Bursary fund. Mike, who played at our first Klezmer night, was murdered the day before his 40th birthday last summer while buying bagels for his family in Manchester. The bursary fund will help fund a scholarship for a musician to attend ‘Klezfest’. We raised over £100.00 towards this scholarship. Eleanor Levin, Lancaster-based accordion player, was a recipient of this award last year, and the fund coordinators are committed to continuing support for northern musicians.

And welcome to new mailing list members who came on board after seeing the articles in the Lancaster Guardian and Virtual Lancaster.


Friday 30th October – PROVISIONAL – join Lancaster Jewish students for a Friday night meal in the Chaplaincy centre at the University. Should be confirmed by tomorrow (Wedneday 28th). If you’re interested or want to go on their mailing list email Aaron at and he’ll send out a confirmation.

Sunday 15th November. This is national ‘Mitzvah Day’ – so, think of someone who needs a hand and go and help them out! It’s also the date of our next Havurah:
Hosted by Linda Martin at her Holiday Chalet, Pine Lake, Carnforth, 4pm for 4.30pm. Linda will run a session on ‘Healthy Jewish Cookery’ – and send us all away with recipes.

Please bring vegetarian (or fishy – not shellfish) food to share.

See directions and RSVP instructions below. And email if you’d like a lift.



Fiona and Susannah’s Do-It-Yourself Chanukah Party. Wednesday 16th December, **[NOT 15TH DEC as in the email]** 5.30 for 6 p.m., The Gregson, Moor Lane, Lancaster. Come to the Gregson – Bring a chanukiah (8-prong candlestick) and some kids (two legged mischief-makers) if you have them. We’ll provide the candles and there’ll be spare chanukiot and spare kids if you don’t have your own. The idea is to order food at the Gregson, come into the hall, light the candles, and eat our meals together as a big family while the candles twinkle in the background.

Any ideas for future topics or volunteers for hosting, please contact us.



Events at Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre

The Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre is 40 years old this term. To celebrate, a series of talks (30mins each) have been arranged on Thursday lunchtimes at 1pm and the details are below. The Chaplaincy Coffee Shop will be open from 11am and serving a soup lunch on those days.
You are all very welcome.

Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre
40th anniversary seminar series: Faith in the University: Past, Present and Future
Thursdays at 1:00pm, Anglican and Free Church Chapel, the Chaplaincy Centre, Lancaster University

The whole programme can be seen on

Malcolm Weisman, Jewish Chaplain and the Chief Rabbi’s Minister for Small Communities, will be speaking on Nov 12th, on Multi-faith Chaplaincies: Lancaster and elsewhere. He will be recording a ‘Thought for the Day’ for BBC Radio Cumbria later that day.

Reform Judaism Northern Weekend.

Weekend celebrating Chanukah as Reform Jews, Abbots Hall Hotel Grange over Sands, 11th-13th December organized by the movement for Reform Judaism. For details email . They will do a day rate of £30 a day for non-residential attendees – or if anyone just wants to attend the service, they’d be happy to accommodate us free but please email names for security reasons. The DRAFT programme is below – it looks fab!


Pine Lake Resort lies to the north of Carnforth, at the roundabout junction of the A6 and the dual-carriageway from the M6 (Junction 35).


From the South:-

Take the A.6 north. After passing through Carnforth continue north, crossing over a roundabout (lorry services) to a further large roundabout where the Motorway J35 slip road emerges from the right. Indicate to turn right, and once on the roundabout indicate immediately left, and turn left into the Pine Lake Resort.


Take the M6 north. Exit at J35. Turn left onto dual carriageway towards Carnforth/A6. At roundabout indicate right, and turn as though to return up the opposite side of dual carriageway. Once past the A6 (ie 180turn) indicate left, and turn left into the Pine Lake Resort.

From the North:-

Take the A6 south towards Kendal. Just beyond the roundabout junction with the Burton in Kendal road continue past the turn off to Borwick approx 1 mile to a large roundabout, signposted to the M6 left. Turn left at this roundabout and immediately sharp left again into Pine Lake Resort.


Take the M6 south. Exit at J35. Turn left onto dual carriageway towards Carnforth/A6. At roundabout indicate right, and turn as though to return up the opposite side of dual carriageway. Once past the A6 (ie 180turn) indicate left, and turn left into the Pine Lake Resort.

Please telephone Linda Martin 07801 382584 prior to arrival for Chalet number as this will not be allocated until the previous day.


The first CJS seminar of the academic year will be given on Thursday 29 October by Dr. Hannah Holtschneider (University of Edinburgh) on “Now you see it, now you don’t: Representations of Jewishness in the Jewish Museum Berlin”. This will take place from 4.00pm to 5.30pm in room A112 of the Samuel Alexander building.

Dr Holtschneider has provided the following abstract: “The central question occupying this paper is the representation of Jewish history and Jewish identifications in historical exhibitions. The permanent exhibition in the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB) provides a case study for an exploration of the visual devices used to portray specific versions of Jewish history and historiography. Entitled ‘2000 Years of German Jewish History’ the permanent exhibition in the JMB charts the development of Jewish life in German lands from antiquity to the present. The exhibition’s title suggests permanence and continuity, while the architecture of the museum building, the preface to the exhibition and its conclusion point to the instability of notions of ‘German Jewish’ history. This paper examines how the exhibition links the adjectives ‘Jewish’ and ‘German’, leading to an exploration of the attributes communicating the ‘Jewishness’ of Jews in the exhibition, including reflection on the religious dimensions of Jewish life.”

Future CJS Seminars

The seminar programme for the rest of this semester has now been confirmed and details can be found at Details on next semester’s seminars will be available in due course.

United in Opposing the BNP Panel Discussion 18 November 2009

Presented by The Joseph Interfaith Foundation in association with

The Muslim Jewish Forum Greater Manchester

United in Opposing the BNP: Is a rational co-operation between Muslim and Jewish students in opposing the BNP more productive than separate confrontation?

A panel discussion:

Gemma Lieberman: Barrister at Kings Chambers, Manchester

Joshua Dresner: Undergraduate at Manchester University, member of the

Joseph Interfaith Foundation Student Group

Cllr Afzal Khan CBE

Hisham Omara: Student at Manchester University

Date: Wednesday 18th November 2009

Venue: Manchester University, University Place (near

Samuel Alexander) 3.204, Building 37 on the campus map


Time: 2:30-4:00pm

For further information, please contact:

DRAFT programme for REFORM NORTHERN WEEKEND (see contact details, above).

1820Light ChanukiahCantor Zöe Jacobs
1830Kabbalat ShabbatRabbi Brian Fox
D’var TorahRabbi Shoshana Shoshana Boyd-Gelfand, Executive Director of the Movement for Reform Judaism
1930DinnerJonathan Lewis
2030Part 1 Tower of BagelShonaleigh, traditional story teller
2135-2215Part 2 Tower of BagelShonaleigh
0930ShacharitStudent Rabbi Andrea ZanardoCantor Zöe Jacobs
1100Tea and biscuits
1120-1230Presentation (title to be confirmed)Rabbi Shoshana Shoshana Boyd-Gelfand
1245Lunch preceded by Kiddush
1345Free time
1600-1630Chanukiah lightingCantor Zöe Jacobs
Details to be confirmedCantor Zöe Jacobs
The Coat Tales of our Ancestors: There’s a Jewish proverb that says ‘Why did God create people? Because He loves a good story.’ We make sense of our lives as a narrative so this workshop will be about personal narrative, mythical narrative and bringing the two together for teaching purposes and personal development.Shonaleigh
On sociology of assimilation –details to be confirmedJon Boyd
2000The Sounds of Israel Old and New: Join Ruti to sing songs that you already love and learn some new ones you will come to loveRuti Worrall
2130Israeli DancingJulia Castle
0900-0945Study and songsCantor Zöe Jacobs
0900-0945Northern Movement for Reform Judaism UpdateRabbi Shoshana Shoshana Boyd-Gelfand
Fasts, Feasts, Facts & Fantasies: What do we REALLY think about non-Biblical observances?Rabbi Ian Morris
Weaving the web of Jewish life: How to enrich the fabric of your family’s Jewish week. A session exploring enjoyable ways to introduce blessing, story, song and games into a demanding life. We will focus on Early and Primary Years and begin with activities for Chanukah. You will go home with a bag full of creative ideas and resources to share. (Please bring a list of your favourite toppings for a latke)Ann Angel and Anna Dyson
Shining a Light: using creative writing to illuminate your relationship with Judaism.Sherry Ashworth, novelist
1100-1130Packing & coffee
1130-1230Bringing the Light Home (Title to be confirmed )Rabbi Shoshana Shoshana Boyd-GelfandCantor Zöe Jacobs
1230Lunch and CloseJonathan Lewis